Tuesday, August 16, 2022



Studies have reported that a diet based on palmitic acid, which is found in vegetable palm oil used especially in fried foods, chocolates, cereals and others, makes tumor cells even more aggressive, producing a greater capacity for metastasis for patients with cancer. Studies show that palm oil is a saturated fat whose origin is vegetable, which is bad for humans because these fats go directly to the liver creating bad cholesterol. “Scientists from Instituto de Investigación Biomédica (IRB) in Barcelona led by the member of the Institución Catalana para la Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (ICREA), Dr. Salvador Aznar-Benitah, on 11/12/2021 have described the mechanism that a diet rich in palmitic acid makes tumor cells more aggressive, with a greater capacity to metastasize”

It is known that for a tumor cell to metastasize, it must first leave the tumor of origin and enter the blood or lymphatic vessels, to reach another vital organ and come to live there, causing more damage to people with cancer and causing this will accelerate their death. The worst aspect about palm oil is not the product, but the way it is processed due to its high temperatures, which produces chemical contaminants that have a toxic effect on the health of a person with cancer, causing modifications in the genome of metastatic cells, better known as epigenetic modifications, which are permanent and make them become more aggressive, which is called a stable memory.

Unfortunately, palmitic acid is found in many products that we consume daily and for cancer patients it is worse since it promotes metastasis in their body. Despite this it is essential in our daily diet, it is bad when we abuse its consumption.

These results reveal that a diet rich in palm oil would be detrimental and helps the development of cancer even in its initial phase where the primary tumor has not yet been detected, so we should reduce its consumption as much as possible and avoid any excess.




Torres, E. Q. (2021, 12 noviembre). El aceite de palma promueve la metástasis del cáncer. ELMUNDO. https://www.elmundo.es/ciencia-y-salud/salud/2021/11/10/618bed47e4d4d8aa748b45ed.html

The post DIET RICH IN PALMITIC ACID PROMOTES CANCER METASTASIS appeared first on Williams Cancer Institute.

source https://williamscancerinstitute.com/diet-rich-in-palmitic-acid-promotes-cancer-metastasis/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=diet-rich-in-palmitic-acid-promotes-cancer-metastasis

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